The benefits are many:
Deep realization, confidence, better health, clarity and trust, personal transformation, awareness, activation and integration of your innate abilities, release of limiting beliefs, emotional harmony and freedom, release of trauma, activation of creativity and insights, de-cluttering of energetic influences and past lives, enhancement of psychic abilities, deep peace, acceptance and bliss,...
- You may feel calmer, peaceful, happy, free, light, alive. You may also feel more "grounded", and willing to change some of the bad habits of your daily life (toxic relationships, smoking, alcohol, drugs ...)
- You may feel more relaxed, in better shape physically, emotionally and mentally.
- You can also stop wasting time on trivia. You will know what you want and what you don't want in your life. Your creativity may increase, as well as your productivity.
- You may have heightened awareness, sensory experiences, and more clarity or intuition.
- You may feel more connected to your life mission.
- You will feel more connected and better in your relationships with others.
- You may feel more detached from the dramas of everyday life, have less fear and fewer limiting thoughts
- You can reconnect with your personal power, and make choices that are in alignment with you, and what you really want. Stop the "people pleasing", the saviour syndrome, to finally express yourself with authenticity in the World.